The suburb of Cowes is located within the Bass Coast Shire Council. It is located 140 kilometres southeast of Melbourne's Central Business District and in total occupies an area of 13.1 square kilometres.
The suburb of Cowes has a population of 6 593. The distribution of males compared to females is 47.0% to 53.0% respectively.
The median age of people living in the suburb is 55. This compares with the Australian median age of 38. The largest median age group in Cowes is between 65-69 years.
73.1% of residents in the suburb of Cowes were born in Australia. This compares with 66.9% of residents Australia-wide. Excluding Australia, the top 3 countries of birth of residents in Cowes are:
85.5% of households only speak English at home in Cowes, compared with 72.0% Australia-wide. The top 3 languages other than English spoken at home in Cowes are:
46.3% of residents in Cowes have no religious affiliations. This compares with 38.4% of Australians. Excluding no religion, the top 3 religious affiliations of residents of Cowes are:
The median household income in Cowes is $1 026 compared to the Australian median of $1 746.
Family couples without children 55.9% are the dominant family structure in Cowes, compared with 38.8% Australia-wide. Furthermore, this was followed by family couples with children 27.7% (43.7%) and single-parent families 15.8% (15.9%).
83.4% (72.3%) of dwellings in the suburb of Cowes are separate houses. Semi-detached, terrace houses, townhouses, flats and apartments make up 15.8% (26.8%) of other dwellings.
The dominant number of bedrooms per dwelling in Cowes is 3, with 43.3% (39.0%). This is followed by 4 bedroom dwellings 34.0% (34.8%).
68.4% (66.0%) of dwellings are either owned outright or with a mortgage in the suburb of Cowes, whilst 26.5% (30.6%) are rented.
44.0% (36.2%) of households have 1 registered motor vehicle. Additionally, 35.8% (36.3%) of households have 2 registered motor vehicles.
The recent market performance for the most dominant dwelling type, a 3-bedroom house in the suburb of Cowes can be seen below.
The Gross Rental Yield for all houses in Cowes is currently 2.9% and for all units is 6.2%.
The Residential Vacancy Rate for all properties in the suburb of Cowes is 1.4%.
Total property listings and time on the market for Cowes can be seen in the chart below.
To review the data above in detail, feel free to explore the ABS, Domain and SQM Research.
You can find previously completed Suburb Spotlights here.